Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How do I relocate forsythia bushes to a different area on my property?

I have an area where on my property where I want to cement over where I have two huge forsythia bushes. I thought of just getting rid of them, then thought, maybe I could sell them to a local landscaper, but then, I thought, heck, maybe I can just relocate them to a different area in my yard. And that brings me to my question.

Are forysthia bushes relocatable, and if so, how the heck do I do it?

How do I relocate forsythia bushes to a different area on my property?
From Paul James (my latest gardening hero...) comes this information:

First, dig a new planting hole where you intend to move the shrub before you dig it up. Sever the roots around the shrub by driving a shovel all the way around it (figure A) -- 12" to 15" from the center of the shrub. Then angle the shovel sharply to get to the roots directly beneath it, and begin cutting them as well.

At this point you may need a little help. Place a tarp as close to the shrub as possible so that when you lift it out of the ground, you can transfer it to the tarp and drag it to the new planting site (figure B).

Water the transplanted shrub well, and don't let the soil dry out. Apply a 3"- to 4"-layer of mulch around the base of the shrub.

For step by step detailed instruction on how to transplant a shrub, go to:

Happy Gardening!

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